
This tutorial is created directly from an ipython notebook. If you’d like to interactively run this tutorial, do the following:

# Go to your pgmock directory with the cloned code
cd pgmock
make setup
jupyter notebook Tutorial.ipynb
# Follow the instructions to open the notebook in your browser

The setup for this ipython notebook is below and includes the creation of the testing database and required imports.

import testing.postgresql
import sqlalchemy
import pgmock
import pgmock.exceptions

test_db = testing.postgresql.Postgresql()
test_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(test_db.url())

Terminology and Key Concepts

It’s useful to understand some commonly-used terminology and key concepts before going into the pgmock tutorial.

Selectors - pgmock selectors are objects used to obtain portions of SQL within a query. Selectors can represent subqueries, tables, select statements, and other types of SQL expressions. All selectors in pgmock are chainable, meaning they can be called after one another to refine a selection.

Patching - pgmock patching is concerned with converting SQL select expressions or tables into postgres VALUES expressions. For example, this statement:

SELECT c1 from test_table

could have test_table patched to be:

SELECT c1 from (VALUES ('hi!'),('hello!') AS test_table(c1)

Patching can also take place on joins, subqueries, INSERT INTO expressions, and other SQL expressions that allow postgres VALUES.

Rendering - Whenever SQL is obtained from a query or modified with a patch, it is rendered.

Obtaining Expressions in a Query

Obtaining specific portions of a query can be useful when wanting to execute smaller parts of your SQL or for (later in the tutorial) patching out portions of your SQL in tests.

This part of the tutorial demonstrates obtaining expressions inside a query using the pgmock.sql function. pgmock.sql takes a SQL string and a selector as input. The expression in the query referenced by the selector is then rendered and returned as a string. Uses of different selectors to obtain expressions is shown in the following.

Obtaining Statements

The pgmock.statement selector can be used to render ranges of statements in a query as shown below.

query = '''SELECT * from table1;
SELECT * from table2;
SELECT * from table3

# Obtain the first statement
print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.statement(0)))
SELECT * from table1
# Obtain the first three statements using a range of 0 - 3 (3 is the exclusive ending index)
print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.statement(0, 3)))
SELECT * from table1;
SELECT * from table2;
SELECT * from table3
# Going out of range will throw an exception
    pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.statement(4))
except pgmock.exceptions.StatementParseError as exc:
Found 3 statements. Range of [4:5] is out of bounds. The following SQL was used:

SELECT * from table1;
SELECT * from table2;
SELECT * from table3

View the docs for this exception at https://pgmock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/exceptions.html for more information.


Rendering statements splits the SQL with the semicolon character. If the semicolon appears in any comments or string literals, this can interfere with obtaining statements. Use safe_mode=True to pgmock.sql in order to fix this issue if it happens. This comes at a performance cost, and more details can be read at pgmock.config.set_safe_mode.

Obtaining Subqueries

The pgmock.subquery selector can be used to render subqueries in SQL as shown below.

query = 'SELECT sub.c1, sub.c2 FROM (SELECT * FROM test_table) sub;'

# Obtain the subquery named "sub"
print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.subquery('sub')))
SELECT * FROM test_table
# An exception will be raised if the subquery alias cannot be found
    pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.subquery('bad'))
except pgmock.exceptions.NoMatchError as exc:
No subquery found for alias "bad". The following SQL was used:

SELECT sub.c1, sub.c2 FROM (SELECT * FROM test_table) sub;

View the docs for this exception at https://pgmock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/exceptions.html for more information.
# pgmock does not handle the case when the same subquery alias is used twice or nested
query = 'SELECT sub.c1, sub.c2 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM test_table) sub) sub;'

    pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.subquery('sub'))
except pgmock.exceptions.MultipleMatchError as exc:
Nested matches were found in your selection. The following multiple matches of SQL were used:

SELECT * FROM test_table
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM test_table) sub

View the docs for this exception at https://pgmock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/exceptions.html for more information.


Almost all pgmock selectors can only render exactly one match like the subquery selector above. These cases will not be illustrated for later examples. Note that there is a distinction between “rendering” selectors with pgmock.sql like above and patching them with pgmock.patch. pgmock.patch supports patching multiple occurences in a selection

Obtaining Insert Into Expressions

The pgmock.insert_into selector can be used to render INSERT INTO expressions in SQL as shown below.

query = '''INSERT INTO table_a
SELECT * FROM other_table;

SELECT * FROM other_table'''

# The insert_into selector takes the table name that is inserted into
print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.insert_into('table_a')))
SELECT * FROM other_table

In order to obtain the body of the expression, the body selector can be chained to the insert_into selector.

print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.insert_into('table_a').body()))
SELECT * FROM other_table


All selectors can be chained like the above example where it makes sense. For example, one could obtain the INSERT INTO expression of the first statement with pgmock.statement(0).insert_into('table_a')

Along with that, multiple selectors can also be provided to pgmock.sql or pgmock.sql_file, which in turn will chain them underneath the hood. For example, doing:

pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.insert_into('table_a'), pgmock.body())

is equivalent to:

pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.insert_into('table_a').body())

It is up to the user to pick which style they prefer. pgmock suggests using multiple arguments when applying multiple pgmock.patch selectors and using chaining syntax for all other cases.

Obtaining Create Table As Expressions

The pgmock.create_table_as selector can be used to render CREATE TABLE AS expressions in SQL as shown below. It’s similar to pgmock.insert_into.

query = '''CREATE TABLE table_a AS (
  SELECT * FROM other_table

CREATE TABLE table_b AS SELECT * FROM other_table'''

# The insert_into selector takes the table name that is inserted into
print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.create_table_as('table_a')))
  SELECT * FROM other_table

In order to obtain the body of the CREATE TABLE AS expression, the body selector can be chained to the create_table_as selector.

print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.create_table_as('table_a').body()))
  SELECT * FROM other_table

Obtaining Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

The pgmock.cte selector can be used to render common table expressions (CTEs) in SQL as shown below. It’s similar to pgmock.subquery.

query = '''
WITH cte1 AS (
    SELECT * FROM table1
), cte2 AS (
    SELECT * FROM table2

# Obtain the CTE aliased "cte1"
print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.cte('cte1')))
SELECT * FROM table1
# Obtain the "cte2" CTE
print(pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.cte('cte2')))
SELECT * FROM table2

Patching Expressions in a Query

As mentioned before, patching parts of a query will transform the relevant expression into Postgres VALUES. Why is this useful?

  1. When using VALUES lists, there is no need to create database tables and data before executing the query
  2. Testing queries will run much faster in automated tests since there is no overhead of database setup and teardown
  3. Only data that is relevant to the test can be patched, resulting in smaller and more readable tests. pgmock allows other useless columns to be filled in with nulls by default if desired

Below are some illustrations of patching queries and running some assertions on those queries. This section uses the test engine that we created at the beginning of the tutorial.


In an automated pytest test case, we’d use the fixtures from pytest-pgsql when testing our queries

Patching Tables and Joins on Tables

Tables, whether those tables are being selected or joined, can be patched with pgmock by using the pgmock.table selector. Some examples of patching tables and joins are below.

# Create a query and filter a column
query = "SELECT c2 FROM my_table WHERE c1 = 'value'"

# Create a patch for the table. The patch takes a selector,
# rows (a list of lists for each column or a list of dictionaries keyed on column),
# and column names
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('my_table'),
                     [('dummy_data', 'data'), ('value', 'hello'), ('value', 'hi')],
                     ['c1', 'c2'])

# Render the patched SQL so that we can execute it
sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)
SELECT c2 FROM  (VALUES ('dummy_data','data'),('value','hello'),('value','hi')) AS my_table(c1,c2) WHERE c1 = 'value'
# Execute the SQL and verify that filtering happened correctly
results = list(test_engine.execute(sql))
assert results == [('hello',), ('hi',)]


pgmock.patch accepts lists of dictionaries as rows of input as well. For example,

patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('my_table'),
             [{'c1': 'dummy_data', 'c2': 'data'}, {'c1': 'value', 'c2': 'hello'}, {'c1': 'value', 'c2': 'hi'}],
             ['c1', 'c2'])

is equivalent to the example from above.

Using this format allows for only specifying values for columns that matter. All missing columns will be filled with null values. Both formats of patching will be used throughout the rest of the tutorial.

Similar to selectors, patches are also chainable or can be provided as multiple arguments to pgmock.sql or pgmock.sql_file. This is useful for the case of patching multiple expressions in a query. For example, we can patch a table and a join on another table like so.

# Create a query with a join
query = 'SELECT one.c1 FROM t1 one JOIN t2 two ON one.c1 = two.c1'

# When making the patches, keep in mind these tables have aliases and
# the alias must also be provided when obtaining the table
t1_patch = pgmock.patch(
    pgmock.table('t1', alias='one'),
    [('val1.1',), ('val1.2',)],

t2_patch = pgmock.patch(
    pgmock.table('t2', alias='two'),
    [('val1.1',), ('val1.2',), ('val1.3',)],

# Render the SQL that has both tables patched
sql = pgmock.sql(query, t1_patch, t2_patch)
SELECT one.c1 FROM  (VALUES ('val1.1'),('val1.2')) AS one(c1) JOIN  (VALUES ('val1.1'),('val1.2'),('val1.3')) AS two(c1) ON one.c1 = two.c1
# Execute the SQL and verify that the join happened correctly
results = list(test_engine.execute(sql))
assert results == [('val1.1',), ('val1.2',)]

Patching Multiple Occurrences of Tables

If a table appears multiple times in your SQL, it will be patched in all occurrences by default. This holds true for any selector. If you want to only patch a specific occurrence or range of tables, use list syntax. For example:

# Create a query and filter a column
query = "SELECT c2 FROM my_table; SELECT c3 from my_table"

# Patch both occurrences of the table
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('my_table'),
                     [('dummy_data', 'data'), ('value', 'hello'), ('value', 'hi')],
                     ['c2', 'c3'])

# Render the patched SQL so that we can execute it
sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)

# Use list syntax to only patch the second occurrence of the table
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('my_table')[1],
                     [('dummy_data', 'data'), ('value', 'hello'), ('value', 'hi')],
                     ['c2', 'c3'])
print(pgmock.sql(query, patch))
SELECT c2 FROM  (VALUES ('dummy_data','data'),('value','hello'),('value','hi')) AS my_table(c2,c3); SELECT c3 from  (VALUES ('dummy_data','data'),('value','hello'),('value','hi')) AS my_table(c2,c3)
SELECT c2 FROM my_table; SELECT c3 from  (VALUES ('dummy_data','data'),('value','hello'),('value','hi')) AS my_table(c2,c3)

Patching Subqueries

Patching subqueries (and almost all other expressions) works in the same way as patching tables. Create a selector you want to patch and provide the data to be patched.

# Create a query with a subquery
query = "SELECT sub.c1, sub.c2 FROM (SELECT * FROM test_table) sub;"

# Create a patch for the subquery. Similar to patching tables, provide a subquery selector and the data for the subquery
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.subquery('sub'),
                     [('val1', 'val2'), ('val3', 'val4')],
                     ['c1', 'c2'])

# Render the patched SQL so that we can execute it
sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)
SELECT sub.c1, sub.c2 FROM  (VALUES ('val1','val2'),('val3','val4')) AS sub(c1,c2);
# Execute the SQL and verify that the subquery was patched properly
results = list(test_engine.execute(sql))
assert results == [('val1', 'val2'), ('val3', 'val4')]

Patching CTEs, Create Table As, Insert Into, and Other Expressions

pgmock can patch almost every selector available in the library, such as pgmock.insert_into, pgmock.create_table_as, and pgmock.cte. Patching these expressions result in different types of patches depending on what is being patched.

For example, patching an INSERT INTO statement will result in replacing the body of the INSERT INTO with a VALUES list that has no alias (Postgres doesn’t support the syntax of INSERT INTO table (VALUES ..) AS ...).

When patching CREATE TABLE AS or a CTE, the patch will insert a SELECT * FROM (VALUES ...) AS .... Doing this syntax allows column names of the patch to be preserved and gets around the restriction of not being able to do CREATE TABLE AS (VALUES ...) AS ....


Keep in mind that when patching statements when the table structure is defined, such as CREATE TABLE t(col1, col2) AS or WITH cte_name(col1, col2) AS, the columns provided to the patch need to be in the same order as they are defined in the alias definition.

Below is an example of patching a CTE

# Create an example of selecting from a CTE
query = '''
WITH cte_name AS (
    SELECT * from some_other_table

SELECT c1, c2, c3 from cte_name;

# Patch the CTE with the data you want returned
patch = pgmock.patch(
               [('val1', 'val2', 'val3')],
               ['c1', 'c2', 'c3']

sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)
WITH cte_name AS ( SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('val1','val2','val3')) AS pgmock(c1,c2,c3))

SELECT c1, c2, c3 from cte_name;
results = list(test_engine.execute(sql))
assert results == [('val1', 'val2', 'val3')]

Patching and Executing Smaller Components of Queries

Sometimes one may only be interested in testing a small part of their SQL. This is especially true in testing the selects of an INSERT INTO or a subquery. An example of pulling out a subquery and testing it is shown below.

# Create a query with a subquery
query = "SELECT sub.c1, sub.c2 FROM (SELECT * FROM test_table where c1 = 'value') sub;"

# Obtain the subquery so that it can be patched and tested
subquery = pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.subquery('sub'))

# Create a patch for the subquery's table. Similar to patching tables, provide a subquery selector and the data for the subquery
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('test_table'),
                     [('value', 'val2'), ('val3', 'val4')],
                     ['c1', 'c2'])

# Render the patched SQL so that we can execute it
sql = pgmock.sql(subquery, patch)
SELECT * FROM  (VALUES ('value','val2'),('val3','val4')) AS test_table(c1,c2) where c1 = 'value'
# Execute the SQL and verify that the subquery performs its select properly
results = list(test_engine.execute(sql))
assert results == [('value', 'val2')]

Patching Queries Executed by SQLAlchemy

Sometimes it’s not always possible to have full control of the SQL that’s being executed. For example, one might want to test code that issues many different SQLAlchemy statements and still want to patch out the underlying tables.

For these cases, pgmock.mock can be used as a context manager. pgmock.mock takes the SQLAlchemy connectable as an argument and listens for any queries executed against the connectable. When queries are executed, they are patched on the fly before they are executed. Some examples of this are shown below.

with pgmock.mock(test_engine) as mocker:
    # Apply patches to the mocker object we created. For this example, we are going to
    # patch "test_table"
    mocker.patch(pgmock.table('test_table'), [('val1', 'val2', 'val3')], ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])

    # When executing this query, it will be patched on the fly with the values provided
    results = list(test_engine.execute('SELECT * from test_table'))
    assert results == [('val1', 'val2', 'val3')]

Patching Multiple Queries with Side Effects

In most testing situations, one will have more complex SQLAlchemy code that may issue multiple queries. For example, lets take the previous test example and put our SQLAlchemy code in a function that executes two different queries.

def my_sqla_func(engine):
    """A function that issues a couple different queries that we want to test"""
    cursors = engine.execute('SELECT * from pg_cursors')
    # Do something important with the cursors...

    # Now return results from a table
    return list(engine.execute('SELECT * from test_table'))

If we try to test this function the same way as before, an error will happen.

with pgmock.mock(test_engine) as mocker:
    # Apply patches to the mocker object we created. For this example, we are going to
    # patch "test_table"
    mocker.patch(pgmock.table('test_table'), [('val1', 'val2', 'val3')], ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])

    # When executing this query, it will be patched on the fly with the values provided
        results = my_sqla_func(test_engine)
        assert results == [('val1', 'val2', 'val3')]
    except pgmock.exceptions.NoMatchError as exc:
No table "test_table" found. The following SQL was used:

SELECT * from pg_cursors

View the docs for this exception at https://pgmock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/exceptions.html for more information.

In the above, running my_sqla_func with the patched “test_table” threw a NoMatchError. When looking at the error message, it appears that this error occurred on our first query of our function (SELECT * from pg_cursors).

This happens because the patch on “test_table” will be applied to every single query that’s issued, including the first query that cannot be patched. Instead of silently continuing, pgmock will raise errors anytime something cannot be matched.

In order to get around this, use a side_effect argument to the patch instead of a single return value. A side effect is a list of return values to use every time the patch is applied to a query. The first side effect will be applied to the first query issued and so forth. If more queries are issued than the number of side effects, a SideEffectExhaustedError will be raised. If None is provided as a return value, the patch will be completely ignored for the query.

The previous example can be changed to use a side effect in the following way.

with pgmock.mock(test_engine) as mocker:
    # Apply patches to the mocker object we created. For this example, we are going to
    # patch "test_table" on the second query that is issued by using a side effect
            # Ignore patching test_table for the first query
            # Use pgmock.data to construct rows and columns of return data for
            # the second query
            pgmock.data([('val1', 'val2', 'val3')], ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])

    # When executing this query, it will be patched on the fly with the values provided
    results = my_sqla_func(test_engine)
    assert results == [('val1', 'val2', 'val3')]

    # As a precaution, it is always good practice to assert that the number of renderings of
    # the mocker matches the number of queries you expected your test code to issue
    assert len(mocker.renderings) == 2

Advanced Usage

Patching Custom Types and Using Type Hinting

pgmock allows the user to provide quite a few different types of Python objects to patched values lists. Python objects are converted into their proper postgres type. For example, a datetime object is converted to a timestamp and a dictionary is converted to a json object. An example of this is shown below.

import datetime as dt
query = "SELECT * FROM my_table"

# Create a patch for the table. The patch takes a selector, rows (a list of lists for each column), and column names
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('my_table'),
                     [(dt.datetime(2017, 6, 14), {'my': 'json_data'}, None)],
                     ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])

# Render the patched SQL so that we can execute it
sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)
SELECT * FROM  (VALUES ('2017-06-14T00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP,'{"my": "json_data"}'::JSON,null)) AS my_table(c1,c2,c3)

The amount of Python types supported out of the box in pgmock is rather limited. Along with that, it’s impossible to specify certain datatypes one might need for their tests in Python (e.g. a null datetime). pgmock allows the user to specify type hints to cast their values to a particular type. The type is specified by placing ::type_name after the column name. For example, the following illustrates how to cast patched values to datetimes and bigints.

# Create a patch for the table. The patch takes a selector, rows (a list of lists for each column), and column names
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('my_table'),
                     [('2017, 6, 14', 10000, None)],
                     ['c1::timestamp', 'c2::bigint', 'c3::timestamp'])

# Render the patched SQL so that we can execute it
sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)
SELECT * FROM  (VALUES ('2017, 6, 14'::timestamp,10000::bigint,null::timestamp)) AS my_table(c1,c2,c3)


Type hints can only be used on python strings, floats, and ints. In other words, if you use a “timestamp” type, a string must be used as the value instead of a datetime object. Otherwise a ColumnTypeError will be raised.

Testing Postgres Arrays

Postgres arrays can be modeled in pgmock but cannot be passed in as python lists instead they must be strings in the Postgres array syntax. The syntax is similar to python except for curly brackets. If it’s a text array then each string should be surrounded by double quotes. Remember to cast the field as the correct array type (ex. ::text[] or integer[]).

# Create a patch for the table. The patch takes a selector, rows (a list of lists for each column), and column names
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('my_table'),
                     [('2017, 6, 14', 10000, '{"apple", "iphone"}')],
                     ['c1::timestamp', 'c2::bigint', 'c3::text[]'])

# Render the patched SQL so that we can execute it
sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)
SELECT * FROM  (VALUES ('2017, 6, 14'::timestamp,10000::bigint,'{"apple", "iphone"}'::text[])) AS my_table(c1,c2,c3)

Filling in Meaningless Columns with nulls

Sometimes the logic in a query only depends on the values of a couple columns and it isn’t necessary to provide values for all of the other columns. pgmock allows users to ignore providing values for columns and fills in the empty values with null. Below is an example that illustrates how to do this when passing in rows to pgmock.patch.

# Create a query that returns many columns
query = "SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 from test_table where c1 = 'value'"

# When patching out the table, only provide values for "c1" since we're testing the filtering of the select
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('test_table'), [('value', ), ('not_filtered', )], ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5'])

# Render the patched SQL. All other values for columns will be null
sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)
SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 from  (VALUES ('value',null,null,null,null),('not_filtered',null,null,null,null)) AS test_table(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) where c1 = 'value'
# The patch can also take a list of dictionaries that only specifies which column values to use. This is another
# way to fill in meaningless values with nulls
patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('test_table'), [{'c1': 'value'}, {'c1': 'not_filtered'}], ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5'])

# Render the patched SQL. All other values for columns will be null
sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)
SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 from  (VALUES ('value',null,null,null,null),('not_filtered',null,null,null,null)) AS test_table(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) where c1 = 'value'
# Only one row should have matched the filter
results = list(test_engine.execute(sql))
assert len(results) == 1
# Be sure to stop the testing DB for this tutorial

Configuring for Accuracy and Performance

pgmock comes with a configuration module (pgmock.config) that can be used to set flags that aid in accuracy of selectors / patching. These flags come with accuracy/performance hits that should be known before using them.

Safe Mode

pgmock searches SQL with regular expressions. Regular expressions can get tripped up whenever special characters appear in comments of SQL or in string literals. For example, -- this is my comment; hello! will mess up pgmock.statement since it splits the SQL by the semicolon character. Turning on safe mode will search a pre-formatted version of the supplied SQL that is stripped of comments and string literals.

Safe mode can be turned on with pgmock.config.set_safe_mode. By default, it is set to False because it incurs a major performance hit when using it. Safe mode doesn’t have to be configured globally with pgmock.config.set_safe_mode. It can be passed to pgmock.sql or pgmock.sql_file as an argument. It can also be used in a context manager so that it is only set during the duration of execution like so:

with pgmock.config.set_safe_mode(True):
    # Run SQL that cant natively be searched by pgmock because of regex issues

It’s recommended to pass it as an argument to pgmock.sql when needing to be modified. For configuring it in a pytest fixture, one can use the context manager like so:

import pytest

def use_safe_mode():
    with pgmock.config.set_safe_mode(True):

Replace New Patch Aliases

Since pgmock turns expressions into VALUES expressions when patching, it is not always possible to preserve the original name of what’s being patched. For example, SELECT * from schema.table_name is impossible to patch as SELECT * FROM (VALUES ...) AS schema.table_name since schema.table_name is not a valid alias.

When this case happens in the case of the pgmock.table selector, pgmock will make an alias as the table name and then replace any refences to the old table name.

For example, SELECT schema.table_name.col FROM schema.table_name would be replaced with SELECT table_name.col FROM (VALUES ...) AS table_name(...). Note that this only matters when the full schema and table name is used to reference columns.

By default, this mode is turned on. To turn it off globally, call pgmock.config.set_replace_new_patch_aliases(False). Similar to pgmock.config.set_safe_mode, this function can be used as a context manager or in a pytest fixture. It can also be given as an argument to pgmock.mock since SQLAlchemy will use this style of selects by default when making a sqlalchemy.insert object from a table with a schema.

If users are never using the full schema and table name when referencing columns, it is safe to turn this option off and will improve pgmock.table selector performance by about 20%.

Using pgmock with pytest

The examples above illustrate programmatically making a test database and running assertions. For examples of how to use pgmock with pytest, check out the test_examples.py file in pgmock. This file shows how to use pgmock with pytest-pgsql. An example of using the context manager and reading from a SQL file is provided.