Source code for pgmock.selector


Contains the primary functionality for chainable SQL selectors
import pgmock.exceptions
import pgmock.mocker
import pgmock.render

def body():
    """Obtains the body of a selector.

    When applicable, this selector returns the body of another selection.
    For example, a ``CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * FROM other_table``
    has a body of ``SELECT * FROM other_table``.

        Selector: A chainable SQL selector.

        Obtain the body of a ``CREATE TABLE AS`` expression

        .. code-block:: python

            body = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.create_table_as('table').body())

        Obtain the body of an ``INSERT INTO`` expression using the syntax of
        passing multiple selectors to ``pgmock.sql``

        .. code-block:: python

            body = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.insert_into('table'), pgmock.body())

        This selector should only be used to refine another selector, such as
        ``pgmock.create_table_as`` or ``pgmock.insert_into``. In other words, calling:

        .. code-block:: python

            body = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.body())

        will result in an error.
    return Selector().body()

[docs]def statement(start, end=None): """Obtains a statement selector. Statements are naively parsed by splitting SQL based on the semicolon. If any semicolons exist in the comments or literal strings, this selector has undefined behavior. Args: start (int): The starting statement. If ``end`` is ``None``, obtain a single statement end (int, optional): The ending statement (exclusive) Returns: Selector: A chainable SQL selector. Raises: `StatementParseError`: When the statement range is invalid for the parsed statements. Examples: Obtain the first statement in a SQL string .. code-block:: python statement = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.statement(0)) Obtain the second and third statements in a SQL string .. code-block:: python statement = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.statement(1, 3)) """ return Selector().statement(start, end=end)
[docs]def insert_into(table): """Obtains a selector for an ``INSERT INTO`` expression. Searches for ``INSERT INTO table_name(optional columns)`` and returns the entire statement. The body of the statement (e.g. the ``SELECT`` or anything after ``INSERT INTO``) can be returned by chaining the ``body()`` selector. Args: table (str): The table of the expression. Returns: Selector: A chainable SQL selector. Raises: `NoMatchError`: When the expression cannot be found during rendering. `MultipleMatchError`: When multiple expressions are found during rendering. Examples: Obtain the ``INSERT INTO`` of table "t" .. code-block:: python insert_into = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.insert_into('t')) Obtain the body of the ``INSERT INTO`` of table "t" .. code-block:: python insert_into_body = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.insert_into('t').body()) Note: When patching ``INSERT INTO`` statements, the entire body of the statement after the ``INSERT INTO`` is patched """ return Selector().insert_into(table)
[docs]def cte(alias): """Obtains a selector for a common table expression (CTE) CTEs are matched by searching for a ``WITH cte_name AS`` or for searching for a CTE after a comma (e.g ``WITH cte_name1 AS ..., cte_name2 AS ...``) Args: alias (str): The alias of the CTE Returns: Selector: A chainable SQL selector Raises: `NoMatchError`: When the CTE cannot be found during rendering. `MultipleMatchError`: When multiple CTEs are found during rendering. `NestedMatchError`: When nested subquery matches are found during rendering. `InvalidSQLError`: When enclosing parentheses for a CTE cannot be found. Examples: Obtain the CTE that has the alias "a" .. code-block:: python cte = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.cte('a')) """ return Selector().cte(alias)
[docs]def subquery(alias): """Obtains a selector for a subquery Subqueries are matched by an alias preceeded by an enclosing parenthesis. Once matched, the SQL is search for the starting parenthesis. Args: alias (str): The alias of the subquery. Returns: Selector: A chainable SQL selector. Raises: `NoMatchError`: When the expression cannot be found during rendering. `MultipleMatchError`: When multiple expressions are found during rendering. `NestedMatchError`: When nested subquery matches are found during rendering. `InvalidSQLError`: When enclosing parentheses for a subquery cannot be found. Examples: Obtain the subquery that has the alias "a" .. code-block:: python subquery = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.subquery('a')) Todo: - Support for subqueries without an alias (e.g. after an "in" keyword) """ return Selector().subquery(alias)
[docs]def table(name, alias=None): """Obtains a selector for a table Tables are matched by searching for their name and optional aliases after a ``FROM`` or ``JOIN`` keyword. If the table has an alias but the alias isn't provided, a `NoMatchError` will be thrown. Args: name (str): The name of the table (including the schema if in the query) alias (str, optional): The alias of the table if it exists Returns: Selector: A chainable SQL selector. Raises: `NoMatchError`: When the expression cannot be found during rendering. `MultipleMatchError`: When multiple expressions are found during rendering. Examples: Obtain the table with no alias that has the name "schema.table_name" .. code-block:: python table = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.table('schema.table_name')) Obtain the table with the name "schema.table_name" that has the alias "a" .. code-block:: python table = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.table('schema.table_name', 'a')) Todo: - Support lateral joins and other joins that have keywords after the ``JOIN`` keyword """ return Selector().table(name, alias=alias)
[docs]def create_table_as(table): """Obtains a selector for a ``CREATE TABLE AS`` statement. Searches for ``CREATE TABLE table_name(optional columns) AS`` and returns the entire statement. The body of the statement (e.g. the ``SELECT`` or anything after ``CREATE TABLE AS``) can be returned by chaining the ``body()`` selector. Args: table (str): The name of the table as referenced in the expression Returns: Selector: A chainable SQL selector. Raises: `NoMatchError`: When the expression cannot be found during rendering. `MultipleMatchError`: When multiple expressions are found during rendering. Examples: Obtain the ``CREATE TABLE AS`` of table "t" .. code-block:: python ctas = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.create_table_as('t')) Obtain the body of the ``CREATE TABLE AS`` of table "t" .. code-block:: python ctas_body = pgmock.sql(sql_string, pgmock.create_table_as('t').body()) Note: When patching ``CREATE TABLE AS`` statements, the entire body of the statement is patched with a ``SELECT * FROM VALUES ... AS pgmock(columns...)``. This is because it is illegal to do ``VALUES ... AS ...`` after a "create table as" statement. """ return Selector().create_table_as(table)
class Selector(pgmock.render.Renderable): """A selector for targetting expressions in SQL. Methods can be chained to represent what is being targetted, for example a subquery in the first statement:: Selector().statement(0).subquery('alias') Once ``patch`` is applied to a selector, a ``Mock`` object is returned and only ``patch`` can be chained. """ @pgmock.render.Renderable.chainable_render_method def __getitem__(self, index): pass @pgmock.render.Renderable.chainable_render_method def statement(self, start, end=None): pass @pgmock.render.Renderable.chainable_render_method def body(self): pass @pgmock.render.Renderable.chainable_render_method def cte(self, alias): pass @pgmock.render.Renderable.chainable_render_method def insert_into(self, table): pass @pgmock.render.Renderable.chainable_render_method def subquery(self, alias): pass @pgmock.render.Renderable.chainable_render_method def table(self, table, alias=None): pass @pgmock.render.Renderable.chainable_render_method def create_table_as(self, table): pass def patch(self, *args, **kwargs): return pgmock.mocker.Mocker(renderable=self).patch(*args, **kwargs)